November 17, 2013 - I went to Stratford hospital in labour with my 11th child. My last birth had been a VBA3C and I was expecting to have this baby vaginally as well.
I arrived at the hospital where my waters were broken and I was given an epidural. I progressed to 9cm but had enormous pain at the top of my stomach and my back. I had been labouring for 10 hours at the hospital. We asked why I was having this pain but the OB just shrugged. I felt defeated and asked for a c-section.
The anesthesiologist was great and as soon as I told him I could feel them cutting me, he gave me general anesthetic. I woke up and found out that I had needed a blood transfusion and there was blue dye in my legs. The doctor said that there was so much swelling that I bled a lot.
Fast forward a week after I was back in the hospital with severe kidney pain. Turns out when I was given the epidural, no one had put in a catheter, so that whole 10 hours my bladder was huge and that was the pain I'd been feeling! That is why my son wasn't born vaginally! I'm angry about it and I still have pain in my kidney from time to time.
I think the fact that I wanted a VBAC after have multiple c-sections contributed to how I felt about my experience. The hospital tried to cover up their mistake as the written reports don't match what was said to me.
I had to have a stent from my kidney to my bladder for four months. I'm angry. Also, there is a psycho nurse there that called the CAS because we refused the eye ointment. Stay away from Stratford - I wish I had.
Submitted by Anna