Well, I had my daughter summer 2015.
Pregnancy was fine, no issues with health or doctors. Until 38 weeks.
I had to keep going for stress tests and the doctor at the hospital told me my fluid was too low and if I didn't have the baby " now" she may not be born alive. (totally not the case my fluid was low because I was a week from having her and my body was preparing labour) she also threatened to give me a c-section if my fluid got lower. I told her not to talk to me that way and I would decide what happened with my body.
I went into labour naturally but because I was scheduled for an induction they started me on the meds anyways.
My day nurse was fantastic and the epidural doctor was so nice. However my night nurse barely spoke english, was way too hard and rough on me that my fiance had to put her in her place.
The doctor that delivered my baby wouldn't listen to anything I said and did things like an episiotomy without my consent and "had" to use forceps to get her out, when she wasn't even in distress! She was just sideways because she wasn't ready to come out as they had been forcing my labour all day with the meds and breaking my water.
I asked to see the forceps to know what was being shoved in me and he said no, he said " why does it matter?" and my fiance lost his cool on him.
I didn't give permission but he said she won't come out without it so he used them to turn my daughter and she shot right out.
The doctor did not delay cord clamping but did allow my fiance to cut the cord. He left so fast that I didn't see him when the nurse put her on my chest. I feel like because it was my first baby I was taken advantage of and not given the proper information.
I felt at the time if I didn't do what I was told that I would be deemed unfit as I was questioning doctors and my child would be taken as doctors have to clear you and baby before you are discharged.
Things need to change. Mothers need to be in charge of their delivery unless it is medically necessary for a doctor to take charge. In that instance the doctor needs to show respect. We as mothers need to be given the information to make informed decisions. Given options for our bodies and babies instead of being told what to do. We shouldn't feel unimportant or like a number/scheduled slot to the doctors delivering our babies.