I’m a mama to an angel baby named Jaxon Hay, who was born on April 8th 2023 @8:22am at Kingston General Hospital. The reason I’m telling my story is because I believe I should be heard so no one else ever has to experience what I did in the following days before my son’s birth.
It was the early mornings of April 6th when I woke up in excruciating pain, it was a pain I’ve never experienced in my life. I knew something was wrong and that I needed to get to a hospital asap. I was rushed to the hospital by ambulance that morning and sat in a waiting room all day in a chair for the doctors to tell me I’m passing kidney stones, that there was nothing we could do other than wait. I sat there until about 10pm hooked up to fluids and pain medication for the pain then I was sent home.
That whole night I knew something wasn’t right, I’ve never felt a pain like it. I cried through the night & the whole next day believing I was passing kidney stones because that’s what a professional told me. On April 7th at about 11pm the pain was unbearable, my body physically couldn’t take it and I knew I needed to go back to the hospital, my parents called an ambulance and I was rushed in again. This time they told me the same thing, that I was passing the kidney stones thats why I was in so much pain, again, they hooked me up to an iv with pain medicine and fluids and walked away from me until 7am when I had to use the washroom. I could barely move, and somehow got myself to the washroom all alone, that’s when I passed a massive blood clot that wasn’t normal, I ran out and grabbed a nurse who just looked at the clot and flushed it, they sent me back to my bed and told me not to get up alone next time, shutting the curtains and leaving me alone once again. It was about 15 minutes after that, that my water broke. It was my first pregnancy so I didn’t know what really was happening but I knew it wasn’t right.
I started screaming for help, a nurse came in and reassured me that my water did in fact break and they were waiting for a Porter to take me to labor & delivery. Within 10 minutes (which I believe is far too long to wait when in labour) someone came to bring me to the 5th floor. As soon as I got to labour & delivery they were preparing for a delivery, and told me they believed I was in pre-term labour. I was so lost & confused on how this could he happening, I was sure I was just passing “kidney stones” and now I’m being told I’m in labour. The labour & delivery doctor checked my cervix and told me I was completely dilated and was ready to give birth any minute, within seconds after that I got one last really bad pain and I delivered my baby. I watched his little heart beat for about 4 minutes before he passed knowing he was just too small to save. April 8th 2023 is the day my heart broke forever, I said goodbye just as fast as I said hello to my sweet, sweet boy.
If I can do anything, it’s spread awareness so this never happens to a mother again. I should have had the proper treatment I needed being high risk pregnancy to begin with, I should have had my cervix checked the first time I came in, in excruciating pain but due to the lack of care the doctors and nurses had, my son is now no longer here with us. My heart hurts that I was left in a waiting room in labour, having full blown contractions for days and I was told I was passing kidney stones and just given pain meds.
If anyone did their job right in the beginning my son would have had a shot at life. Now I sit here, morning, noon and night wondering why. Why did my son have to leave? Why did no one do what they were supposed to for a high risk pregnancy? I have so many questions that will forever be left unanswered and a broken heart that will never heal. Thank you KGH for your lack of knowledge & understanding around pregnancy. Due to you I had to lay my son to rest.
The long term effect will always be there, my heart will forever hurt without my son here. But knowing if they would have done their job right my son could have been saved.
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