2014 - I got pregnant at 18 years old with a very abusive partner. Needless to say, Children's Aid Society were involved.
I started having contractions on the 21st of September, I was 2 days shy of being 40 weeks pregnant. My mom picked me up and got me checked at the hospital but I was only 1 1/2 cm dilated.
I went home where I dilated for the next 2 days. Not super painful, but very uncomfortable. Come September 23rd, my due date, I was starting to feel a lot of pain. My grandma brought me to the General hospital. I was 3 1/2 cm dilated and I was admitted.
It was a long process. They put me on an epidural. It worked like a charm. Then they broke my water and 6 hours passed. Nurse was rarely in the room. I was lucky to have my mom with me who’s a nurse. She would tell me to rotate my body when my son's heart rate was dropping. If my mom wasn’t there I would have been very lonely. Nurse came by once every hour or less.
6 hours passed and I only dilated 1 cm so they put me on pitocin. I fell asleep for 2 hours. They woke me up and when they did, everyone was panicking that my son's heart rate was dropping and not coming back up. I was 10cm dilated and it was time to push. I took 30 minutes and then the nurse was threatening to use forceps and I screamed not to and she said, “THEN PUSH HARDER. You’re not trying hard enough. Your first push is good, second is okay and you’re 3rd one does NOTHING!”. I would've preferred pushing when I felt the need to push, not doing three, 10 seconds in a row. With my asthma, that was draining!
I ended up being able to push him out without forceps. And he came out at 5:56 am, September 24th, 2014 weighing in at 7lbs 13oz. Super healthy and perfect.