August 30, 2018 - I was scheduled to be induced for the birth of my twins on August 29th 2018. Prior to my induction date, both twins were head down and ready to go. The only concern my OB had was that they may need to go in and help Twin B turn a bit to get her out. There were never any other scenarios presented, no one explaining the use of any assisted delivery tools, what the chances of needed a c-section were. Then again, me being a first time mom I didn't ask any questions either. I just assumed that listening to what my OB said would be good enough. He gave me the choice between a 2 week span to choose my own induction date and so I did.
Once arriving at the hospital, I was in the waiting room for over 7 hours before being admitted as they maternity ward was full. Fast forward to almost 24 hours later. It had felt as though my epidural had worn off. I told my nurse, who went to go get the anesthesiologist. He told me to push the pain relief pump and I kept telling him it wasn't working. He then told me I most likely needed a top up and walked away. The minute he left the room I felt the sudden need to start pushing. I told the nurse who went to go get the OB on call. She checked to see if I was fully dilated, which I was, but told me not to start pushing as I needed to be rolled into the Operating Room. I fought the urges to push for almost an hour before they rolled me into the OR. Once there, they placed me on an operating table and restrained my legs. These were not stirrups, they were locked boots so I was not able to move my legs. I started pushing. Twin A arrived at 5:58PM, no issues. Not even a 20 second break and the fellow doctor started telling me to push. And so I did. My husband was telling him that Twin B’s water had not been popped. He ignored him and kept telling me to push. After a few attempts and her water not breaking, he took the amniotic hook and popped her water.
After a few more attempts of pushing, it didn't seem as though she was coming down. Without warning, explanation or CONSENT he had BOTH hands in me "assisting" Twin B. I freaked out! Begging him to stop, I asked what he was doing, telling him to stop and that it was hurting so bad (I didn't get a top up, I had no epidural so I felt EVERYTHING) He was ripping me down, he used forceps and the suction twice. I only know this because I heard him say it. At one point I just physically broke. The doctor was literally yanking at what felt like my lifeless body on that table. My husband continued asking what the issue was and what was happening where he was met with silence. So he decided to go be with Twin A. Once getting to her he noticed she wasn't breathing and told the nurse. She ran to the adjoining resuscitation room to get the attention of the nurses, who came running out and started working on her, she was brought back and the nurses asked him to bring her into the adjoining room. Once he did, he tried re-entering the OR only to find that he had been locked in the room. The nurse told him he wasn't allowed back into the room. So he fought with her. At last she finally said that she would have to call in and see if he was allowed back in. During this time, all I heard was the doctors saying “emergency c-section.” I was livid, I wanted to scream, but couldn't. I was exhausted and just wanted it to be over. My husband witnessed the birth of his second born daughter through a tiny window and wasn't even allowed to cut her umbilical cord.
Looking back, I find it absolutely disgusting, that doctors think they can do whatever it is to a woman during what should be the most empowering and yet vulnerable moment in a woman's life. When someone is screaming in pain, saying NO and asking them to STOP, they should. The fact that they think it’s acceptable to not involve anyone communication-wise is disgusting. You should not get a free pass because you have a license. Compassion and communication should ALWAYS be a top priority with patients.
I have been working with the patient relations team there, our meeting was a waste of time, the doctors continuously rolled their eyes at each other as if my concerns weren't valid. Like I was just being a baby. It's sad that this is even happening in this day and age. There needs to be more options for disciplinary actions against doctors. They took an oath, and in my case that oath meant nothing. I was just another number billing OHIP.
Submitted by Twin Mom