E.P.'s Story - St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ontario

“For my second pregnancy, I did everything I possibly could to get a midwife. My second birth experience - still in hospital, but led by my midwife - was calm and peaceful. It was still very slow, but my midwife allowed me to progress in the way that my body wanted, and asked for my consent for EVERY intervention. I felt in control, as she gave me advice and allowed ME to make choices. I had a successful VBAC in 2017. When my baby emerged, he was placed on my chest. We were able to gaze at each other and bond as I was stitched up. It was one of the greatest moments of my life.”

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Z's Story - Maternity Care Midwives, Thunder Bay, Ontario

“This pregnancy I was very ill, and had many symptoms of ICP (Intraheptic cholestasis of pregnancy) but they refused to test me. At 39 weeks I was having contractions and was told to come back to consult the ob at the hospital. He took one look at my chart and said, “Induce her, she has ICP, we need to get this baby now.”

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VB's Story - Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario

“I would like to file a formal complaint but haven’t had the time to figure out how to do this as I’m caring for a young baby. I hope it is not too late to do so once I have time and figure out how.”

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A's Story - Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto, Ontario

“In the zombie state I was in, the anesthesiologist was the most compassionate person. The fellow announced I was at 10 cm and needed to push. I have no idea how not too long ago, I was barely dilated and now suddenly ready to push. The nurse told me I couldn't have my husband hold my leg. She told me I had to do it myself even though I could barely feel them due to the anesthesia and my state of mind.”

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