
Mom now's Story - Victoria Hospital, London, Ontario

“Around 10am August 17 I was woken up and told it was time for me to start pushing. At this point my wishes for minimal staff to be present were not respected. Initially the attending Dr and two resident Dr’s in the room. I don’t recall being introduced to the resident Drs. My daughter was sunny side up and the Dr’s began to try to turn her. Within half an hour three Dr’s had been gloved up and had a turn trying to turn the baby. At around 1 pm I was told the baby had to come out soon or I would need a C-section. I was told I had an hour.“

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A's Story - London Health Sciences Centre, London

“I was trying to get my daughter on bottle - they had her on a feeding tube. After 36 hours of having her on a bottle, I needed sleep. I'm surprised I stayed up that long. Her one feed during my short 4 hour sleep, the nurse fed her through her tube because she couldn't be bothered to try and feed her through the bottle.. so to say the least, I was back at stage one.”

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 Karyn's Story - Victoria Hospital, London

“This was the first time I was mistreated in emerge when presenting with a women's health issue... so honestly I don't know why I expected anything different. My experience caused me to not seek medical attention with my second miscarriage and I chose to do the third one at home with the help of medication. We are pregnant again and planning a home birth, I am terrified we may end up in hospital as it is the last thing I would want.”

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K.T.'s Story - London Health Sciences Centre, London

K.T.'s Story - London Health Sciences Centre, London

“At one point I had bled through an entire pair of their maternity underwear - I'm talking no white left on them - and I sat in a puddle of my own blood. When I asked if I could have another pair to clean up, she told me I could go rinse mine in the sink and put them back on."

“I asked for a picture from the ultrasound. He crumpled it up and tossed it away telling me I didn't need it, that it was a picture of nothing anyways. My baby's heartbeat stopped the next day and I lost it, leaving me with not so much as an ultrasound picture to hold onto.”

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K's Story - Victoria Hospital, London

"They tried getting me to push for 3 hours without any success of my son coming out (this is after 20 hours of labour - remember, no food, no sleep). I begged and begged to see the doctor. They sent in a resident named Ramona wearing a blanket as a cape because she was cold"


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Jas's Story - Victoria Hospital, London

"When I finally decided to get an epidural because I was induced, the nurse would get very frustrated and forceful with me when they were trying to put the needle in. It took many tries and I ended up with a lot of bruising. Before the epidural the nurses took no sympathy while I was in pain, the looks on their faces were as if to say, 'serves her right, becoming a teenage mother'."


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A.D.'s Story - St. Joseph's Health Care, London

"Keep in mind he’s my abuser... he told this social worker vicious lies about me trying to make me be the bad guy that I was crazy and out of control and couldn’t take care of anything, including myself. They had this conversation out in the hallway away from me and when she came back in and told me in an accusatory way what trash I was, I immediately went into panic mode. I was crying, I was so distraught that I couldn’t control my emotions - I’m assuming because I’d just given birth."


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