Featured Stories

K.T.'s Story - London Health Sciences Centre, London

K.T.'s Story - London Health Sciences Centre, London

“At one point I had bled through an entire pair of their maternity underwear - I'm talking no white left on them - and I sat in a puddle of my own blood. When I asked if I could have another pair to clean up, she told me I could go rinse mine in the sink and put them back on."

“I asked for a picture from the ultrasound. He crumpled it up and tossed it away telling me I didn't need it, that it was a picture of nothing anyways. My baby's heartbeat stopped the next day and I lost it, leaving me with not so much as an ultrasound picture to hold onto.”

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Terri's Story - Georgian Bay General Hospital, Midland

“The next day I went for the ultrasound. The tech wouldn’t tell me anything. They had me wait for almost two hours for the result, sitting in the ER anxiously waiting among sick people. Finally the doctor called me in. She jumped up on the exam bed and nonchalantly said, “You had a miscarriage” - just matter of fact with no feeling. She then began talking to me about it but kept using the word abortion, “You had your abortion yesterday."

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A's Story - St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton

"My first child, I was 18 years old. I told the doctors I felt I needed to push. My body just took over. A nurse held her hand over my mouth and pinched my nose so I would stop. I was also told by a nurse that if I cried while in the maternity ward, they would label me as unfit and would risk intervention by CAS as I was young."


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Jesica's Story - St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton

"We found out before her first birthday that she has cerebral palsy, epilepsy and also has a unilateral hearing loss that has progressed to profound (meaning that her ear doesn't work at all, even with a hearing aid) I cant help but think that this was caused by her delivery. No one is willing to say that though." 


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