“every time my dilation was 'checked' I was swept, (without consent) and during pushing I was told repeatedly that I needed to "be quiet" or "keep it the hell down" as there were other mothers on the ward who were sleeping.“
“Sometimes, I also wonder why the numerous other medical professionals (nurse, midwife, obstetrics resident) who were in the room when this took place did not say anything. All of them were women, and all of them--except the midwife--were outranked by the attending physician. It was not their fault that he violated the consent process. However, I wish I'd had an outspoken ally in the room. I wish someone had said something. This makes me wonder about the need for much wider education--indeed, for a major culture shift--in reproductive medicine.”
“For my second pregnancy, I did everything I possibly could to get a midwife. My second birth experience - still in hospital, but led by my midwife - was calm and peaceful. It was still very slow, but my midwife allowed me to progress in the way that my body wanted, and asked for my consent for EVERY intervention. I felt in control, as she gave me advice and allowed ME to make choices. I had a successful VBAC in 2017. When my baby emerged, he was placed on my chest. We were able to gaze at each other and bond as I was stitched up. It was one of the greatest moments of my life.”
“I would like to file a formal complaint but haven’t had the time to figure out how to do this as I’m caring for a young baby. I hope it is not too late to do so once I have time and figure out how.”
“Everyone in the room was silent and wide eyed at what was happening. The OB was pulling so hard on the baby’s head, she even put one foot up on the bed to give her leverage. The l&d nurse asked the OB if she would like the team called for shoulders, and for the bed to be put flat and to apply fundal pressure. The OB very clearly said no. The yanking continued.”
“In the surgery room they expected me to move myself from the bed to the operating table even though I had an epidural in for the last 8 hours and couldn't move my legs. Eventually one of the students in the room told me to put my hands around her neck and she would pull me over. As she did this, unknowingly my epidural catheter shifted. I was alone and scared as my husband wasn't allowed in until they had started and I was freezing! Once they began they asked me if I could feel it and I said yes. They said is it dull or sharp and I said sharp. They asked me this question a few more times and each time I told them it was a sharp pain. I was told they are just going to start and if it's too much to let them know. At this point my husband was allowed to enter the room. I was shaking so violently on the table and just wanted to cry so badly. Feeling every cut, and tug, and tear I finally remember my son being born and hearing the first cry. After that came pain so unbearable that I was put under general anesthesia.”
“We went to emergency where finally I was taken seriously and finally someone would listen to me! I was seen immediately, given an ultrasound and they discovered that the fetus was still inside and was causing an infection, they were worried about me going septic. They immediately scheduled me for a D&C and were curious as to what happened. Why was I in the emergency room more than a month after my miscarriage with the fetus still inside? Why had I not been scheduled for a D&C? So I told them this story. They were horrified! Absolutely horrified! And told me that I should file a complaint so that nobody else has to go through what I did. I was referred to an amazing OB who didn't tell me until I became pregnant again that he was worried this would cause infertility. I am so lucky that it didn't.”