Submitted by Maciel Pereda
“at one point during my labour, the nurse (a young L&D nurse who was lovely) asked if she could bring in a nursing student very briefly because “she has only seen very traumatic labours and births and it would be nice for her to see one that is so peaceful”. I was happy to give this nurse that experience but it saddens me to think that a peaceful and calm birth is not considered the norm.”
Read MoreAM's Story - Prince County Hospital, Summerside, Prince Edward Island
“I believe it is important as pregnant women to educate ourselves on our rights. That we can say no and drs/nurses have to listen to that as they need our consent. What they say is not law, we are the ones that are in control of the birth and we can’t let medical staff take that power. Advocate for yourself, and if you’re unable/uncomfortable to do so arm your partner with information so they can advocate on your behalf and hire a Doula.“
Read MoreMom now's Story - Victoria Hospital, London, Ontario
“Around 10am August 17 I was woken up and told it was time for me to start pushing. At this point my wishes for minimal staff to be present were not respected. Initially the attending Dr and two resident Dr’s in the room. I don’t recall being introduced to the resident Drs. My daughter was sunny side up and the Dr’s began to try to turn her. Within half an hour three Dr’s had been gloved up and had a turn trying to turn the baby. At around 1 pm I was told the baby had to come out soon or I would need a C-section. I was told I had an hour.“
Read MoreRoyal Alexandra Hospital, Edmonton, Alberta - Submitted by Keavy Martin
Keavy's Story - Royal Alexandra Hospital, Edmonton, Alberta
“Sometimes, I also wonder why the numerous other medical professionals (nurse, midwife, obstetrics resident) who were in the room when this took place did not say anything. All of them were women, and all of them--except the midwife--were outranked by the attending physician. It was not their fault that he violated the consent process. However, I wish I'd had an outspoken ally in the room. I wish someone had said something. This makes me wonder about the need for much wider education--indeed, for a major culture shift--in reproductive medicine.”
Read MoreG's Story - Sault Ste Marie, Ontario
“The next day, 2 Midwives from the practice came and recommended we take the baby to the hospital for an examination. We asked why? They could not give a reason. Later that evening, 2 CAS workers and 2 police officers came to the house and apprehended the baby. We tried to explain that the midwives were mad because we had not called them for the birth.”
Read MoreBabygirl's Story - Stratford, Ontario
“It took me a long time to get through the emotional and physical pain of my son’s birth after her rough handling. So many people need to come forward to CPSO and speak up against this doctor”
Read MoreJewish General Hospital, Montréal, Québec - The Obstetric Justice Project