"The nurse instructed a student to check me and I shook my head no a bunch of times but they checked me anyway. [...] This nurse was doing almost everything I asked not to be done. It felt like she was offended by my choice to have a birth plan. [...] As that student checked me I felt myself give in and surrender control. I felt so defeated."
"Once my incision was closed the OB screamed at me!!!!!! "Don't you know what could have happened, I don't ever want to see you in this hospital again!"
I am not afraid of confrontation at all and had I not just delivered a baby after 36 hours of labour, I would have yelled back. He made me feel like I left the life of my baby to chance without a care about her well being."
"It's been nearly nine years since the birth of my daughter, and although I've moved on from the birth experience I had, listening to the traumatic birth stories of others has made me want to share my own. I really hope that doctors and hospitals end up reading these stories to improve the care that they give to women giving birth in the future."
"I say that my child's birthday is also the anniversary of the worst day of my life. I am very sad that it is how I feel.
I gave lots of feedback and they responded well and seemed to want to improve. The anesthesiologist is the only one who really didn't seem to understand the negative impact he had and kept trying to deflect blame."
"He had held these test results and called them "lost" for 6 weeks. He knew I was pregnant for 6 weeks and withheld that information only to tell me to 'think about it for five days'"
"I arrived at the hospital where my waters were broken and I was given an epidural. I progressed to 9cm but had enormous pain at the top of my stomach and my back. I had been labouring for 10 hours at the hospital. We asked why I was having this pain but the OB just shrugged. I felt defeated and asked for a c-section."
"Things need to change. Mothers need to be in charge of their delivery unless it is medically necessary for a doctor to take charge. In that instance the doctor needs to show respect. We as mothers need to be given the information to make informed decisions. Given options for our bodies and babies instead of being told what to do. We shouldn't feel unimportant or like a number/scheduled slot to the doctors delivering our babies."